Hi. I'm Nilesh Sapariya.
Ethical Hacker | Security Researcher |  Engineer | Info Sec Geek 

Welcome to my blog post!  It is with great excitement that I take my first step into the world of blogging. I will be writing primarily about all the things relevant to IT Security, Bug Bounty, Technology and Lessons Learnt.

This blog is my playground, a place where I pin down my thoughts, opinions and anything that I find worth keeping and sharing with other like minded people.

The learning process never stops, so make sure to pick up new information along the way. So here I am creating this blog.

My blog section is divided into 5 parts. For your easy convenience, each blog section comprises of contents that I have covered. 

1. IT Security 
2. Bug Bounty 
3. Honors And Awards
    3.1 Hall Of Fame
    3.2 Conference Talks
4. About
5. My Blogs 
    5.1 Technology
    5.2 Lessons Learnt

This will help you to select topics which you would be further interested in reading.

IT Security :- 

I am a Web Security Researcher from India, in IT Security domain my area of interest is Application Security Testing (Web & Mobile),API Testing, Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing,Wireless Security Audit and hacking the planet. 

Apart from this I am an active speaker at Null Mumbai chapter and has been invited in many security conference talks.

So here I will update all the Information security related posts

Content covered:- Click here to see the contents of IT Security

Bug Bounty :- 

I am actively involved in Bug Hunting and have been acknowledged by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Adobe, RedHat, OWASP, AT&T(10Times), Blackberry, Sony and other companies. 

This is my favorite section and the reason why I started this blog in the first place. In this section I will be writing about Vulnerabilities/bugs that I found under various web sites.

Content covered:- Click here to see the contents of Bug Bounty

Honors And Awards :- 

Hall of fame :-  
In this section, I have mentioned the acknowledgements which I had received from many companies by detecting vulnerabilities in their Platform. 

Hall of fame:- Reference Link

Conference Talks:- 

Being an active speaker, I have conducted many Security Talks at different colleges and events which I will be listing in this section.

If you want to conduct Security Conference Talks at your colleges, then drop an email. I would love to share the knowledge. 

Conference Talks:- Reference Link

Technology :-   

Here I will update all the basic and simple tricks related to computer which any one can refer, including #NON IT people as well.

Content covered:-  Click here to see the contents of Technology

Lessons Learnt :- 

I like motivational quotes that inspire me, so I will be posting a few of them here.

Content covered:- Click here to see the contents of Lessons Learnt

I hope this blog will help you to learn something new.

I always follow one "MANTRA" ==> " NEVER GIVE UP" and  “DON’T LOSE HOPE"  and keep trying as much as you can..keep learning as much as you can.

Thank you.

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8 August 2015 at 13:24 delete

Hey hi...nice blog

9 August 2015 at 08:51 delete

Thank you for appreciation. You can also subscribe it for all the latest updates.

9 August 2015 at 08:56 delete

Nice blog really cool stuff you have added ..Keep sharing brother

23 August 2015 at 00:30 delete

Good stuff !!! Keep writing Nilesh..!!

Geeta Singh from QUIK

23 August 2015 at 01:16 delete

Thank you so much mam for your kind words

Sure, I will continue to share my knowledge.

13 October 2015 at 06:40 delete

Hi nilesh, I'm stuck at 'bwapp.user's doesn't exist while installing bwapp on localhost. I'm successfully done with getting up the login page... But not after. After putting in username and password it comes with error (I'm done with creating database bwapp and table bwapp.users)..... Is their any field to put in bwapp users

13 October 2015 at 09:01 delete


I have never faced such problem while installing bWAPP @localhost. I recommend you to download the fresh setup of bWAPP and use WAMP server.

Follow below steps:
1] Download http://www.wampserver.com/en/
2] After installing wamp server in your windows go to C:\wamp\www and place bWAPP setup.
3] Now type this http://localhost/bWAPP/install.php in url make sure your wampserver is ON

That's it your are good to go, now simply go to http://localhost/bWAPP/login.php and access the bwapp with bee/bug credentials.

I hope this will help you. Let me know if you still facing any problem.

14 May 2017 at 01:02 delete

Good...keep it up. Best of luck

10 May 2018 at 01:15 delete This comment has been removed by the author.

