Basic commands to check your system information and user details

Here i will be showing you basic commands to know about your computer details or any machine details.

1)Easy way to know when you have reset your last windows password and when you have login last time

=> First  you need to open command prompt, you can do directly if its there in windows start or you can go to run and open it,i have shown you both the ways below :-

Fig 1 : Go to start and click on command prompt 


Fig 2 : click on start and type run then press enter 

Fig 3 : type cmd and press enter so you can see the command prompt window open 

now in command prompt type : net user user_name_of_your_machine 
in my case my machine name is Nile$h

Fig 4 : command to check login user details 

You can see when you change the password,when your password will be expire, when you last time login in your machine etc.

Well you can try it out on your friends machine ;) OR

If you are auditor and you doing audit checks of windows machine then you can see in particular organisation how they are changing password frequently or not any many more details you can use .

2) In order to check your machine entire details all in one go.

just type this command : systeminfo

Well you can see your machine OS version , date when you installed OS , when your machine got started , your system model number , etc..etc.

Fig 5: command to check system information 

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