Hey, what’s up? I am Nilesh Sapariya. Currently i am working as an Information Security Engineer in one of the Security firm in Mumbai. I have interests in web application security, network security,vulnerability assessment, wireless security,testing web application and BUG hunting is one area that i really enjoy. On non technical fronts i also enjoy travelling, visiting natural places and i have a huge bucket list of all the places i want to go, some of which i have ticked off. I am also Certified Ethical Hacker.I did my graduation into Computer engineering from Mumbai university in 2012.
What do i do for a living ?
Currently, I am working as an Information Security Engineer in one of the Security firm in Mumbai. I am also part of various bug bounty program,Speaker at Null Mumbai Chapter . Apart from that, i am usually involved in some project or the other.
About this Blog
This is “obviously” my personal blog and will be about InfoSec (so far). You will probably find here things related to IT Security, Bug Bounty, Technology and Lessons Learnt. I am not very good at writing and probably you have figured out that by now :). Yet, I am trying to be a good one.