WAMP server does not turn GREEN

As you all know what is WAMP Server, But those who not aware about it here is the short introduction about WAMP Server

WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web application with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database.
Alongside, you can create your own application and host it locally.
Most of the time developer or tester use this for testing purpose or to create local environment.
You can see more about WAMPSERVER Click here .

As our scope is to see how to troubleshoot the issue if WAMP server is not turning GREEN,

There are 3 indication When you start your WampServer
Green     = Apache and MySQL Service started
Orange  = One of the services has not started ! This is a problem indicator
Red        = Apache and MySQL Services NOT RUNNING


After installing WAMP server. The icon in the tray goes red and then organge and from orange to green but its stuck on ORANGE. I can not get to the mysql console. And the icon does not turn green.
I cannot get to the phpmyadmin site too. It gives me an error


This issue indicated that your apache has not started, this is normally because something else is using port 80.

Steps to follow

1) Do left click on wampmanager ->Apache ->Service-> Test port 80


This will load a command window and tell you what is using port 80.

You will have to stop or uninstall that app.(In my case i am using Skype so just quit the skype)

NOTE : Make sure you have install Apache services
i.e Go to Apache==> Services ==> Install

Now you can see GREEN colour mark on your WampServer


If that also not work then you can do below steps :-

An other solution could be to simply alter the appache httpd.conf. You can acces this file from the wamp menu > Apache > httpd.conf

Next alter the

Listen 80
To for example

Listen 7080
Restart wamp and services then type http://localhost:7080 and you'll have wamp up and running

Hope it helps you :) 

Thanks for reading. 

Set up Burp Suite in Proxy Server environment - Intercept Traffic from Internet

In this session we will learn how we can setup burp suite for capturing request under proxy server environment.

1) You are using Proxy Server for internet access
2) You need to capture request from internet facing web site 

Then below configuration you need to do for capturing request in burp for internet facing application.

Below Figure shows you have setup where you are using multiple proxy server


1) First step is to set your browser on localhost proxy server i.e

2) Same setup you need to do on your burp suite.

Proxy ==> Options = > Click on Edit = > put and port 8080 (this should be same as your browser)

3) Now you need to add Upstream Proxy server 

 4) Now In your burp suite got to

Options =>Connections=>Upstream Proxy Server => click on ADD

5) Now following information you need to put in the field

Destination host: * (put as es-trick) OR domain name example google.com
Proxy host         : IP address of your proxy server
Port number     : Give the port number (most of the time its listen on port 80)
Authentication type : NTMLv2
Username : Give your domain username
Password  : Give your domain password
Domain : Your company domain
Hostname : Keep it as blank

6) After adding upstream proxy

7) After doing above setting in your burp try to browse and capture internet facing site request in your burp.

Thank you. Hope it helps you.

How to save Instagram photos on your PC or Laptop

Instagram is an online mobile photo & video sharing service which allows you to backup photos & videos. It also allows you to snap a photo, crop the photo, apply effects and digital filters to the photo. You can share Instagram photos to Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter at the same time when uploading photo to Instagram. Instagram has a 'Explore Tab', where you will see photos & videos specifically suggested for each user. Initially, the 'Explore Tab' displayed photos & videos which were popular among all Instagram users. If you like the other people's photos on Instagram and you want to save those photos to your PC or laptop then follow the steps below to save other people's Instagram photos to your lappy or PC.

Step 1:- Go to http://instagram.com/ & sign in to your account. If you don't have an account, then create one.

Step 2: Open the image or photo which you want to download

Step 3:  Right click on image and select  inspect element 

Step 4: Once you will click on Inspect element one dialog box will popup below your image .

Step 5: Don't worry by looking such code and numbers 

Now your work is to just move your mouse courser inside this code. Once you will get image like this just right click on that URL 

If you didn't get my point then just follow this image below:-  

Point 1: Move your mouse coursor you will get image popup .
Point 2: That is the image which you want to download once the image pop-up which confirms that the point where your mouse courser is . That is the path to download the image 
Point 3: Simply click on that path (make sure that path has  .jpg extension )

Step 6: After clicking on that path, you can see your image as shown below.

Right click on it and select Open image in new tab 

Step 7 : As image will open in new tab now. Then simply right click on image and Save it  :) 

Thanks for reading. # Happy hacking :) 

How to Block Games Notifications On Facebook

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If you are frustrated getting notification on Facebook from your friends so now no need to tell him/her personally OR no need to block / unfriend your friend just follow simple steps and stop receiving notification for games / application etc..

Follow below instruction :

Step 1 : Go to your Facebook profile setting

Step 2: Click on Blocking option under settings

Step 3: Under Blocking you will find 3 important option for blocking various things 

=> Blocking app invite : This is for blocking app request from your friend 

=> Block event invites : This is for blocking event invites from your friend

=> Block Apps : For blocking particular application 

Step 4: Under Block app invites just type your friend name who sends you various gaming or other application request, don't worry he/she will not be block from your friend list but just their app request going to be block. 

Step 5:  DONE, now you will no longer receive any game or app request from your friends 

Thanks for reading.

Scan multiple IP address by using Home feed version of Nessus

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As you all know if you are using Nessus Home Feed version  then you can scan only 16 IP address 

What if you have to scan 16 IP address ? 

Follow below instructions :

Setup : 

1) Make sure you install nessus on VM machine (Use Kali linux or Backtrack)

2) After Installing Nessus Home Feed version on your VM machine (Kali Linux) do the following:-
   (1) Right Click on Kali Linux ==>(2) Select Snapshot ==> (3) Click on Take Snapshot 

3) After Clicking on Take Snapshot =>Give the snapshot name as required by you (I have given name as VA_SCAN_updated plugin_1)

4) Now you can see Kali Linux image is saved as VA_SCAN_updated plugin_1.

5) Now you have image of kali linux VA_SCAN_updated plugin_1  in which you have installed nessus,

6) Now do your scanning upto 16 ip address after completing your scanning for 16 IP you need not have to uninstall and re-install nessus again.
Just you have to select the Snapshot which you have saved i.e VA_SCAN_updated plugin_1 (This state will be your kali linux state where you have installed Nessus in the beginning)

5) YES you can now again scan for 16 ip address and so on ;)