Things to Remember When Life Pulls You Down

Life is a roller coaster ride. You can either scream for the sake of your obnoxious fear or you can throw your hands up, feel the adrenalin rushing through your veins and enjoy the ride!!!

I strongly believe in “Never giving up”.  Life is going to shove dirt on you, all kinds and textures of dirt. The trick is to not get bogged down by it. We can climb out of the deepest of the wells, just by never giving up! 

I agree that succeeding in any job is not that easy but also I believe that it is too easy to let any job knock you down. Instead of giving up on life, try to win it and remember one thing there is always a way, there is always a solution to get things happen for you  and for that you should get to work. 

Remember, you need to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play it better than anyone else has ever had but to learn those rules, first you need to prepare yourself, train yourself.

Always, keep in mind that

- You're allowed to scream 
- You're allowed to cry BUT
- You're not allowed to GIVE UP. 

No matter what your current situation is, there is always a future to look and work forward to. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.

So, here I am writing some of the evergreen points to motivate you.

1.  If you are in trouble, try to find a way. Remember "WE DO HAVE A CHOICE"

2. If you fall down try to push yourself harder again and again and achieve your target but please do not give up.

3. Last but not the least: My all time favorite quote which I follow in my day to day life.           

Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

If you are thinking to give up, then always remember the story of "Jack Ma" (Chairman of Alibaba Group)

- He failed 3 times in college.
- He applied 30 times to get a job, but was always rejected 
- When KFC came to China for the first time, there were 24 candidates who applied and he was the only one to be rejected.
- He wanted to join the police and 5 postulants, he was the only one to be not accepted.
- He applied 10 times to return to the Harvard University, USA and he was again rejected. 

And now he is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group.

Moral of the story: 
“Winners win and losers find excuses”
Hence, keep your head up and fight your own battles because life was never meant to be easy and that’s the sole essence of it.

Thank you for reading. 

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